Eurovision Thai

Heyda EZ

Heyda EZ


Heyda Ez was developed and engineerd with the goal of providing extradordinary performance for the modern home theatre system. Only 16cm deep, it is extremly discreet and easy to install. It’s performance matches that of the other products in the Ez series.



"As with a musical instrument, the quality of each part has a decisive impact on the speakers’ acoustic performance.


TRIANGLE carefully selects each component with the sole purpose of enhancing your experience."

Brushed aluminium terminal

Specially designed for ESPRIT Ez, the terminal is created in brushed aluminium,

providing ease of use and extraordinary visual quality. The material prevents vibrations and

seals the cabinet. Each terminal is equipped with high quality cooper binding posts with a

self-locking system for banana plugs.


A real TRIANGLE trademark of technology and performance, the TZ2510, is the latest incarnation

of a titanium dome in combination with a compression chamber. This technology provides high

efficiency with low distortion and excellent directivity.

Studies from the signature project helped to develop a new profile of the horn and also improved

the phase plug. It reduces the directivity and provides almost the same sound level throughout the room.

We have developed a compact engine with high magnetic power, by using a neodymium ring

combined with an absorption chamber. The latter has been designed in view of stopping the

propagation of the back sound wave and of reducing distortions. As a result, the high-pitched

frequencies offer a more natural listening experience.


To sustain the TRIANGLE midrange quality, while providing deep bass, we have developed a half-roll suspension made of foam and treated rubber. It provides a dynamic performance due to the low inertia combined with the cellulose pulp cone. The profile of the cone was also redesigned and now provides an extended frequency response.


Thanks to the new suspension, the bookshelf speakers in the ESPRIT Ez range provide a generous bass, all the while remaining dynamic.


All components used in the crossover have been selected due to their quality: copper coils with a diameter of 1mm and met capacitors. The signal is transferred by a TRIANGLE OFC cable, which assures resistance and quality over time.


Cabinet type.............................................charge close



Tweeter....................................................Titanium 1”dome

Frequency range (+ - 3dB Hz - kHz)..............75 - 22

Sensitivity (dB/W/m)..................................90

Nominale Impedance (Ohms).......................8

Minimum Impedance (Ohms).......................3,8

Power Handling (W)...................................60

Repetitive peak power (W)...........................120

Dimensions with pedestal(inch, W x D x H)..... -

Unit net weight (kg)....................................4,55


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