Eurovision Thai


Tangent A/S is a Danish company specialized

in audio design for more than 50 years.

Famous for product design and quality manufacturing,

Tangent has won many worldwide press awards.

Tangent’s mission has always been to offer fundamental design in service of excellent sound performance.

True Scandinavian design and acoustic quality are our company’s true values, so they are essential components in our product specifications. Associations with prestigious designers mean that Tangent products captivate consumers from first sight. The launch of the Fjord, in partnership

with the famous Danish designer Jacob Jensen sets a brand new course for the product line.

Jacob Jensen is at the origin of the design of more than 200 Bang & Olufsen products, several of which are still on display at MOMA (Museum of Modern Art) in New York. We are very proud that he has chosen to return to the world of audio with Tangent, and we have together created an object of pure design featuring the ultimate in acoustic quality.

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