Eurovision Thai

Oratorio DCT++ CS

Oratorio DCT++ CS

 Oratorio DCT++CS with GN-4R DCT++ and Crystal

Sound Treated Rhodium Plated RCA connectors

The latest incarnation of this ever popular cable, with advanced cryogenics and more processes than ever before to remove distortion

  • Cable manufactured in England
  • 2 core screened cable
  • 99.99% pure silver conductors for superior clarity of sound.
  • Low loss PTFE insulation designed for clearer beat and rhythm of music, with increased distance between conductors for reduced "transient phase distortion"
  • Silver plated copper braided screen to eliminate noise and interference
  • Advanced quality control of the wire direction in the manufacturing process to ensure consistent superior stereo imaging and low background noise
  • Exclusive Black Rhodium post production process delivers improved sound quality.
  • Deep cryogenic Treatment of the cable increases the depth, clarity and timing of the music, with additional temperature processes to further enhance these benefits
  • Fitted with the Graham Nalty Legacy Range VS-1 Vibration stabiliser to further reduce distortion by controlling mechanical vibrations travelling through the cable
  • Exclusive "Crystal Sound" Process which refocuses the outer skin on the conductor (the area where the majority of the signal flow travels).  This brings improvements to bass control and clarity.
  • Rhodium plated straight line contact RCA connectors for superior sound quality, further enhanced with DCT++ and Crystal Sound technologies.
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